Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bigger by the minute.

Hi Everyone.

We're all good, I was just loading the photos off the camera and thought I'd share a few.

Couch potato Seamus hangs out while I get the washing sorted.
Out of the bassinet and into the cot. This also means Seamus will be in his own room - hooray!

Looking good in his All Black suit, kinda looks like Sean Fitzpatrick on that angle.
Enjoying a bit of tummy time in the sun.

Coming face-to-face with his creator.

Going, going, gone! One of his latest tricks is rolling from tummy to back.

Life's pretty quiet outside of the baby news. We're just rolling through the summer doing the usual stuff like going to bbq's and walking to the beach. Well Seamus is awake and hungry so I'd better go.
