Sunday, January 13, 2008

Winter wonderland.


Well we're in holiday limbo a bit as we've only 6 weeks left in Galway and the big trip is starting to be a bit of a distraction. It's just as well we have a distraction though because it's pretty darn cold here and any distraction from the wet and dark is a welcome change.

The one time it was cold but we didn't mind was in the first week of the new year when the cold bought snow. It was an exciting couple of hours and then the every present rain washed it away. It only snows here every few years so everyone got a bit of a buzz out of it, even the locals.

Em walked to work in a snow storm.

Our apartment walkway covered.

The city looking clean for once!

It hasn't snowed again since but hail is quite common and can be expected every few days. I like dramatic weather so while it's cold it's all good fun.

Happy summer you kiwi's, I hope you're enjoying the good weather as much as I'm enjoying the bad.


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